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A Day in the Life at Livingston Food Resource Center: Behind the Scenes

At the Livingston Food Resource Center (LFRC), Wednesdays are dedicated to ensuring that our shelves are fully stocked and ready to serve our community. While it might seem like just another day, it's actually a crucial part of our weekly operations that allows us to provide the best possible service to those in need. Our mission to alleviate hunger and provide essential resources to our community is a daily effort driven by dedicated staff and volunteers. Today, we're giving you an insider’s look at the daily operations that make it all possible, highlighting the tireless work of Erin, our Pantry Advocate, and the role she plays..

Morning Preparation:

Erin starts her day by running shopping reports, tracking walk-in numbers, and gathering data from any mobile pantry distributions. This information helps us keep accurate records of the food distributed to each person, ensuring everyone receives the support they need.

Next, Erin checks the volunteer schedules, compiling a comprehensive list of tasks that need attention. This includes stocking shelves, bulk packing, cleaning, organizing, and even folding items. She meticulously sets up carts of food for each fridge and freezer section, canned sections, the egg station, and the bulk station. This preparation ensures that volunteers can dive right into their tasks as soon as they arrive.

In the late morning, she double checks that the pantry waiting area has plenty of other resource materials from a list of medical offices, job applications to local businesses hiring, mental health resources and information about SNAP, Medicaid/Medicare and the WIC program. 

Erin also collaborates closely with Katie, our Inventory and Procurement Manager, to discuss food items needed and client preferences. Together they make sure the food bank stays on budget while getting healthy foods to everyone who needs it. 

Mid-Morning Activities:

Once the initial setup is complete, Erin’s day can vary widely. She might create a social media post, answer phone calls, make follow-up calls, plan for an upcoming mobile pantry, or put together information featuring a new vegetable. She may also be prepping for the farmers market, where we run a Double Snap program to connect our clients with local farmers. This program not only supports the local economy but also encourages community members to attend a community event they might not otherwise get to enjoy. The dynamic nature of her role means she is always ready to tackle whatever comes her way.

Volunteer Coordination:

During the stocking volunteer shift, Erin ensures that everyone has the tools and resources they need. She provides guidance, assists where needed, and sometimes mans a station herself. Her hands-on approach fosters a supportive environment where volunteers feel empowered and appreciated.

Afternoon Clean-Up and Planning:

After the volunteer shift, it’s cleanup time. Erin and the team sweep up any bulk messes, put away tools, scoops, labels, and tables, and double-check that all tasks are completed. They finish any remaining stocking duties to keep the center organized and efficient.

With the daily tasks wrapped up, Erin shifts her focus to long-term projects. This might involve preparing for upcoming holiday closures or setting up for the local farmers market, where the LFRC’s Healthy Families tent provides tokens for SNAP benefits cardholders. Additionally, she works on presentations for volunteer trainings as well as client surveys. Erins role extends beyond the center as she reaches out to other organizations within Livingston and Montana, fostering partnerships and collaborations that enhance our ability to serve those in need. Her dedication and multifaceted efforts are vital in driving LFRC’s mission forward and making tangible difference in the lives of our clients. 

Team Effort:

Erin’s work is integral to our operations, but she’s not alone. Our team of dedicated individuals works tirelessly to keep the Livingston Food Resource Center running smoothly. From sorting donations to assisting clients, every role is crucial in our fight against hunger.

Our daily operations are a testament to the power of teamwork and community support. Thanks to Erin, our staff  and our incredible volunteers, we can continue to serve those in need and make a positive impact on our community every day.

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