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Stories from the Community

We love sharing stories that highlight the positive impact our services have on the lives of those we serve. Here’s a heartwarming story a staff member shared about a family who found their footing with a little help from our pantry:

“There was a couple who was unhoused that came in frequently to shop last summer. About a month after they had stopped coming in, I happened to walk into a local business and was delighted to find one of our former clients working there. She shared that they had found an apartment and both she and her partner had secured jobs. It was wonderful to see them thriving, and I assured her that they were always welcome to come back and shop if they needed to. She expressed deep gratitude for the support and food they had received, and happily reported that they were doing well.

A few months later, we saw them again at the pantry, but this time, it was for a different reason. They had come in, not to shop, but to give a ride to a neighbor who couldn’t get to us on their own. It was a beautiful moment that underscored the sense of community and mutual support that our pantry fosters.”

Stories like this remind us why we do what we do. We’re not just providing food; we’re offering a helping hand that can lead to stability and self-sufficiency. And it’s incredibly rewarding to see our clients come full circle and support others in their community.


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